The Stress Response

This depiction of Fight or Flight physiology happens to show only the active stages of the stress response. Missing are the passive stages of the Sympathetic Nervous System that also occur reflexively but are not as well-known or understood. Also missing from most information about the stress response are the structural changes. Every mammal tucks their tail, ducks their head, shifts forwards on their toes, narrows their vision, and more.

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Why I No Longer Offer CranioSacral Therapy

After a whiplash/concussion injury at the end of 2018 left me debilitated, one would have thought that the Nervous System work of CST would have been exactly what would help me heal. How wrong I was. In fact, I believe that all the time I spent studying and receiving this modality created so much fluidity, sensitivity and slack in my system, I was left vulnerable to injury. When CST, which I had so much faith in as a system of healing and wellbeing, failed to help me move past this incident, I turned to other modalities. As with CST, these other methods only offered temporary relief, if at all. I was completely confused how I, a Somatic Movement Therapist, Somatic Experiencing/trauma healing practitioner, longtime student and practitioner of Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, yoga and meditation could still be stuck in a stress response despite my best efforts using all my skills while receiving consistent bodywork from many highly skilled practitioners..

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