As a Somatic Movement Therapist specializing in Manual Therapy with over 25 years experience, I was confident in my work. I didn’t just offer CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Yoga and more. I continually studied and received the work. My skills were grounded in my daily meditation and movement practices.
Stiff neck? I knew exactly which techniques to use to return you to mobility and ease.
Gut problems? I could discern which organs were challenged, what type of support they needed., and enhance their vitality through motility.
Emotional crisis? I had the dialogue tools and trauma healing training to help you process the rage, grief, fear or injury and move on.
Tightness? I had the yoga postures, breathwork or movement repatterning that would change that for you.
Stress? I could hold the space for your nervous system to balance and settle into its innate health using Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy.
There was a big problem though. After a whiplash injury in 2018 NONE of these things worked for me!
How could someone with access to every tool imaginable, who knew the best practitioners to see, who did everything right in terms of diet, movement, bodywork, naturopathy, meditation and psychotherapy be so stuck? Thus began my journey into a magical place I had never actually been…
My Parasympathetic Nervous System
By “Parasympathetic”, I mean the part of your Nervous System where your body can rest, digest, repair tissues, move lymph and other fluids, sleep when needed, and respond appropriately. Sadly, most of us are not living in that part of our nervous system. Instead, we are in various stages of our Sympathetic Nervous System that we label as “stress” or Fight or Flight.
We reach for more and more hacks to do what our body would do on its own if we were in our Parasympathetic Nervous System. This is where I unknowingly lived for years until I was introduced to The Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics™.
After a short time practicing FMHB™, I began having a better balanced structure, functioning endocrine system, hydrated fascia, improved digestion and a lack of urgency completely new to me. And the best part is, I didn’t try to do any of it—
my body did it on its own
without the familiar effort and trying
Because the unconscious brain is doing the work of changing you, you learn to let that part of your brain handle your functioning and
stop all the fixing, controlling, and managing
by trying to make things happen with your conscious mind.
Your structure and physiology can change all on their own when you are in Parasympathetic .